Exposed: Wandia Gichurus Reign Of Terror At Vivo Woman Wear Company

Posted by Zora Stowers on Monday, May 6, 2024

Hi Cyprian Nyakundi,

I’d like to expose Vivo Activewear (now called Vivo Woman), Wandia Gichuru’s company for mistreatment of employees.

In the last year, 20 employees have resigned because of toxic management relations.

Recently, a longtime employee was fired on false allegations. She did not contest the firing but they’ve withheld her dues which is illegal. She also has a sick child so she needs her dues urgently. Customers have gone to complain about this termination on the Vivo Site (attachment uploaded at the end of this article) but the posts have been taken down.

This is just one in a history of many stories regarding the way the company treats its employees.

The MD, Wandia Gichuru is in the media as an entrepreneurial successs story but she herself yells at employees, forces Human Resources Manager to fires people without due disciplinary process (and most times, for no reason), and decides not to renew contracts (again for no reason) or give performance evaluations.

Employees end up resigning because the company refuses to give meetings letting them know the state of their jobs.

Sometimes another person is hired to do your job while you’re still waiting to hear about your contract renewal or termination.

Other times, you’re being accused of not doing your job, yet there is no job description given so you’re blamed for not doing your job but you don’t know what you’re supposed to be doing. Any requests for job descriptions and KPIs are met with silence from management.

She told over 20 full time tailors that their jobs will end in December 2019 so she can hire cheaper labor.

She brags about her Made in Kenya clothing but is constantly looking for ways to make it cheaper. says.

Wandia Gichuru is a total bozo, a socialite bimbo just like the wankers at Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA), who support bad employment practices such as underpaying workers. They complain about the tough business environment, which is actually an excuse because, they are the same people that support corruption in government.

In case of more, I ask the employees at Vivo ActiveWear send more information through the contact details given at the end of this article.

Send anonymously.

